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Tax Return: Everything You Need to Know

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Income Taxes – Québec and Canadian Income Tax Returns

Are you taking advantage of all the tax credits and benefits you’re entitled to?

We have gathered some advice from our experts and reference sites to help you file your Québec and federal tax returns and prepare for the coming year.

fiscalité | planification | impôt de remplacement | Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton

Alternative Minimum Tax: Changes From 2024

Starting in 2024, the AMT calculation will be significantly modified. These changes will impact high-income taxpayers, particularly individuals (and trusts) who realize a significant capital gain like one that is not eligible for the capital gains deduction.

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Télétravail étranger entreprises | Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton

Teleworking From Abroad: What are the Impacts for Employers?

Teleworking is becoming increasingly popular. What about employees who are considering taking this opportunity to work remotely from another country? How might this affect your business?

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Fiscalité | Oeuvres d'art | Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton

Works of Art and Taxes

Did you know that, under certain circumstances, you can claim a tax deduction for purchasing Canadian works of art?

Individuals in business, partnerships, corporations or trusts that acquire an eligible work of art could be eligible to claim an annual capital cost allowance.

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Vente résidence principale | Fiscalité | Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton

Selling Your Principal Residence: Obligations to Stay Exempt

The accrued gain on your principal residence is generally not taxable. Be careful however as there are certain exceptions.

New rules have changed how things are done and they could result in some nasty surprises for those who do not comply, so pay careful attention.

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Planiguide fiscal | Impôts | Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton

Tax Planning Guide

Each year, our experts provide individuals with a free guide to help them prepare their annual tax return.

Tax information is complex and this online document is designed to help taxpayers avoid unpleasant surprises.

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Fiscalité | Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton

Year-end Tax Planning Guide for 2023

Would you like to reduce your income taxes? Proper tax planning should be a year-long activity. However, there is still time to implement a few strategies that could reduce your taxes.

The following are a few simple, effective strategies that can be implemented before the end of 2023 or early in 2024.

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Auto-route | Dépenses | Fiscalité | Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton

L’Auto-route 2024 | To Keep a Record of Your Vehicle Expenses

Whether you’re an employee, self-employed or a professional, you need to keep track of your automobile trips. While this may be a tedious and unpleasant activity, it is essential.

To make your job easier, we have developped L’Auto-route to help you compile the necessary data in a simple and efficient manner.

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Fiscalité internationale | Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton

International Taxation From Every Angle

Whether you are considering expanding your company’s activities internationally or encouraging your employees’ mobility abroad, it is important to be aware of the tax laws in effect in the target countries.

Get advice from our experts on the various aspects of international taxation to help you make informed decisions.

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Government reference sites for your Québec and Canadian tax returns

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