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Class actions – Proactio

Our subsidiary Proactio is mandated to manage class actions: it administers the claims, sends notices to the members or supports the parties to the proceeding.

A class action allows an individual to file a lawsuit on behalf of hundreds, if not thousands, of people or “members” who are in a similar situation.

When we are involved in a class action, it is because we have been assigned by the Superior Court or by the parties to the proceeding. Our role is different from that of law firms, which represent the claim or the defense.

What is our involvement in class actions?

Our involvement covers all steps of a class action:

  • As of the initial steps, to provide for an effective communication plan and notice strategy following a judgment authorizing a class action;
  • On the merits, in order to survey individuals registered with counsel, assess the scope of the class action or quantify the amounts at stake;
  • As part of the negotiation of an agreement or following an agreement in principle in order to facilitate and optimize the entire claims process.

Our experienced marketing team will also provide exposure for the class action in order to reach the target audience as effectively as possible.

Specifically, our teams take care of:

  • Developing a publication plan and notices to members strategy;
  • Creating systems to manage member registration;
  • Assessing damages;
  • Creating class action websites with the highest cybersecurity standards;
  • Claims administration;
  • Drafting of claims protocols and forms;
  • Implementing class action call centres.

Discover more about Proactio’s service offering, team of experts, and current class actions.