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Recovery and reorganization

Our expertises

Experiencing financial difficulties? Bankruptcy is not your only option. Our team of financial recovery advisors and licensed insolvency trustees will leverage its vast expertise to support you in finding the most appropriate solution for your situation. With more than 250 employees across Québec, Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton’s Recovery and reorganization Group achieves an impressive number of files each year and is the leader in its field.

  • Recovery and Reorganization – Businesses

    Companies are exposed to many risks throughout their growth trajectory, making them susceptible to financial difficulty at one time or another. Our(…)

    Recovery and Reorganization – Businesses
  • Recovery and Reorganization – Individuals

    If you have debt problems or are simply finding it hard to make ends meet, our financial recovery advisors and licensed insolvency(…)

    Recovery and Reorganization – Individuals
  • Class actions – Proactio

    Our subsidiary Proactio is mandated to manage class actions: it administers the claims, sends notices to the members or supports the parties(…)

    Class actions – Proactio