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Business sales and acquisitions

Buying or selling a business is a complex process that is often fraught with emotions. Getting the support of an expert is a wise decision to ensure a successful transaction.

Are you considering growing your business, or maybe you’re ready to pass on the torch? It’s important to find a buyer or business that aligns with your values and objectives. In order to carry out the process with peace of mind, you need to be well prepared. Our M&A experts can help the process go smoothly by:

  • Accurately pinpointing your needs;
  • Identifying potential sellers or qualified buyers;
  • Determining the business’s fair value and getting the best price;
  • Facilitating the financing and transaction process.

Personal service that puts your needs first

Building a great relationship with you, ensuring that we have a serious understanding of your unique situation, objectives and goals is the focus of our M&A team. We deliver personal service that puts your needs first.

We can guide you through the process from start to solution to meet your goals. Over the years, our experts have strengthened their relationship of trust with private and institutional financial partners.

Our multidisciplinary team can take on all the aspects of a transaction and help you:

  • Get an investment diagnosis;
  • Analyze your financial results and business model;
  • Prepare comprehensive documentation;
  • Find financing to buy a business;
  • Identify the appropriate strategic and financial partners;
  • Settle shareholder litigation;
  • Structure and manage the sequence for approaching financial partners;
  • Prepare a succession plan to ensure the business’s future;
  • Facilitate exchanges between parties;
  • Negotiate the best transaction possible.

Our team of seasoned experts will take charge of the entire transaction process. You can count on our team to support you through this decisive step.