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Paul Bérubé Named Fellow

Congratulations to Paul Bérubé, Assurance and Tax Partner at our Edmundston office, on obtaining the prestigious title of Fellow Chartered Professional Accountant (FCPA) from Chartered Professional Accountants New Brunswick!

He was officially honoured at a CPA New Brunswick event on February 2, 2019.

The Fellow title formally recognizes those members who have rendered outstanding services to the profession, or whose achievements in their careers or in the community have earned them distinction and brought honour to the profession.

Paul said: “I’ve always worked with passion and conviction. Over the years, I’ve been—and continue to be—motivated by a desire to give my clients the best possible advice so they can achieve their objectives. I never did it for the glory of an award of any type, but I have to admit that, tonight, I’m very pleased to be honoured by the Order and my peers.”

Emilio B. Imbriglio, President and CEO of Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton added: “I’d like to extend my heartfelt congratulations to Paul for this well-deserved honour. He has made a remarkable contribution to the profession and the firm. It’s a privilege for us to be able to count on a colleague of his caliber to advise our clients and the firm’s professionals. Thank you, Paul, for bringing honour to our profession and making your great talent available for our collective success!”

Passion, innovation and discipline in the service of the profession

Paul Bérubé’s candidacy is exceptional and stands out both from a professional point of view and for his commitment to the community.

He is greatly appreciated by his clients and has gained an enviable reputation in tax services through his innovation, discipline and focus on supporting their success and growth.

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