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Éric Dufour Invites SMEs to Rethink Their Governance

SMEs are dealing with a shortage of qualified labour and, in such a context, should involve employees in the decision-making process to a greater extent.

Éric Dufour, Regional Vice-President and Entrepreneurial Succession Leader for the Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean–Chibougamau–Côte-Nord regions, encourages the business community to take a page from our firm’s book. He wants to show SMEs in the region that they can offer a work environment tailored to today’s situation that is marked by the arrival of millennials on the labour market.

As he explains, Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton offers flexible hours to make it easier to achieve a work-personal life balance and wants to support SMEs in their transition to a new governance.

Our firm is attentive to its employees: for example, it will be offering the 130 staff in the region a trip to New York at the end of January.

“This engagement activity has been organized to strengthen relationships and reward everyone for their work,” Dufour concludes.

To find out more, read the article on (in French).

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