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Third-Party Cookies to Disappear: Solutions for Your Website

How can you continue to serve your customers in a personalized way despite the disappearance of third-party cookies in 2023?

The elimination of third-party cookies will reduce the ability to re-target ads. Your organization will have to increase its reliance on internal browsing data and other proven methods to stay connected with its consumers.

Third-party cookies and internal cookies: What’s the difference?

Third-party cookies are files embedded by a site other than your organization’s, via a browser, to store information. Third-party cookies track user behaviours across different websites to, for example, assess the audience or target ads.

With detailed analytics, companies are able to track user paths and determine their lifestyle and buying behaviour. They can then place their ads in the right place, at the right time, with the right message, which significantly increases the likelihood of conversion and purchase.

Internal cookies make it easier to navigate your site. They provide users with the necessary features to improve their experience (no need to type in your ID every time you log in or to specify your preferences such as the language or currency used).

New legislation

Implementation of Law 25, or the Act to modernize legislative provisions as regards the protection of personal information, will result in the disappearance of cookies. The purpose of this legislation is to give citizens more control over their personal information.

Any organization that collects, processes or holds personal information in Québec will have to comply. The law requires transparency throughout the data life cycle.

Solutions for your SME

One solution is to increase your reliance on your organization’s internal navigation data and other proven methods, such as loyalty programs, to maintain a special connection with your customer base, and offer them the products and services they need at the right time.

Another marketing solution is to return to more traditional statistical inference analysis models. These models have not been used as much in recent years, but are still effective, especially when it comes to analyzing the digital data that is generated on a daily basis and that is still available to your organization despite the disappearance of third-party cookies.

These analysis models will help determine media and marketing mix strategies more effectively, for both digital and traditional media.

Artificial intelligence can also be used to facilitate data analysis, purchase behaviour prediction and real-time adjustments.

The importance of transparency

Above all, however, it is important to be transparent. You must ensure that you ask your customers for their free and informed consent to collect and use their personal information.

In other words, you will have to equip your website with a consent management tool (banner or popup) where the user will have to opt-in.

By explaining to your users that internal cookies facilitate their browsing experience and by assuring them that their personal information will be protected, you will be able to strengthen the bond of trust and offer them a personalized experience despite the disappearance of third-party cookies.

This article was drafted in collaboration with Guy-Jacques Langevin, Buzztroop Founder.

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