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Don’t Fall Behind: Help Your Business Move Forward With a Techno Plan

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Updated on May 2, 2023

Future-proofing your business starts with updating your technology. Tech tools can do a lot for you, so don’t let fear hold you back.

A lot of companies are due to upgrade their technology, but they can’t seem to get the ball rolling because they are too busy addressing other needs, like the labour shortage. But the more time passes, the more they get left behind. And without a well-thought-out plan, they will have a hard time resolving this problem—and many others down the line.

A critical plan for a successful transformation

The future is right around the corner. Companies of all sizes, including SMEs, risk seeing their dreams evaporate and all their hard work go to waste if they invest time and money in the wrong things.

You don’t want to fall into the trap of inaction or making hasty decisions. Instead, take things one step at a time, based on a well-designed plan that’s part of your growth strategy. This will help you sidestep pitfalls.

Make up for the labour shortage

Let’s consider the case of a fast-growing company whose operations revolve around a series of manual processes. The business needs people to help it step up production, but it can’t find enough workers due to the labour shortage. The right technology could make up for the shortfall, plus it would give the company’s employees more time to spend on value-added tasks.

Preventing costly inefficiencies

What about a company that has added new technologies over the years, but the different programs aren’t linked. This means that data gets entered twice, leading to inconsistencies and an increased risk of error. Their IT team is overwhelmed and feels powerless trying to manage the monster and keep it fed. A custom digital transformation plan would help them get back on track to efficiency.

Achieve your business goals

Any transformation journey requires time, money and competent personnel. It can be hard for companies to know where to start. There are so many different technologies out there. Which ones are right for your business priorities?

It makes sense to get help from an external consultant who is neutral and committed to helping your organization reach its strategic objectives using technology. This consultant will help analyze your needs, assess your available resources and develop a realistic game plan to get you where you want to go. You will come away with a well-defined plan that you can translate into a success story.

A solid game plan, step-by-step

1. Diagnose the issue

First, you need to understand your starting point. What challenges are you facing right now? What issues will affect your business’ ability to achieve its objectives in the coming years? You have to know where you stand and where you want to be in order to really understand your company’s current limitations.

2. Map out your processes

Having a solid understanding of your business processes is essential. You may need to optimize some of them before choosing a technology. Otherwise, your new tech could just end up making things more chaotic instead of more efficient. You will want to hold workshops with your internal teams to define, review and clarify processes before selecting the right tools.

3. Develop an action plan

A good plan is broken down into small, realistic steps and addresses issues in the right order.

For example, it would be pointless to purchase an application that lets you produce bids more quickly if your production plant is already operating at maximum capacity.

A well-designed plan is aligned with your business vision and will help you achieve your broader organizational goals, instead of just serving the needs of discrete departments.

It’s like building a house: you need a strong foundation. And in this case, technology is your cornerstone. Then you want to make sure all new assets can be connected so that they can contribute positively to the system.

4. Back your plan up with people

You need to have someone in charge of the company’s digital transformation plan. They will need to be able to dedicate most of their time to the project and rely on a knowledgeable team to help get things done. Having the right talent is crucial for your transformation’s success.

5. Prepare a change management plan

Digital transformations impact people. Every change or new piece of information will have an effect on your employees. Details that seem trivial to some workers can be perceived as disruptive by others because they change the way things are done.

For instance, what if you start using digital tablets for inventory management but your staff is used to a colour coded system. If workers need to remove their gloves to enter information into a new program, that will have an impact.

That’s why a digital transformation plan should always be paired with a change management plan. With communication and training provisions, it will keep your priorities centred on people.

6. Never assume that it is over!

Technology is always changing. Even if your company’s digital transformation plan has a three-year timeline, don’t expect to hit cruise control afterward. You will need to keep refining your digital vision and make sure it is aligned with the organization’s strategic goals.

Expert support: a key ingredient for success

External experts can provide a different perspective and help you see what is in your blind spots when it comes to digital transformation planning. They will be familiar with proven methods and have broad experience that you can leverage. By working closely with your in-house team, they will help you get started and keep the project moving forward.

A consultant can also provide support for calculating costs and returns, selecting the right suppliers, managing change and assessing project risks. At the end of the day, it is your project. Being able to get a handle on it with an expert at your side—that is the key to success.

Your business’ future is directly linked to its digital transformation. After all, there are many strategic advantages to modernized technologies, including:

  • Staying ahead of the competition;
  • Increased productivity;
  • Obtaining reliable data to support decision-making;
  • Attracting young employees;
  • Keeping up with customer demands and market requirements.

Our experts are available to help you master your technological evolution. Don’t hesitate to contact us. We want you to succeed!

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