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Labour Shortages

La pénurie de main d'oeuvre affecte la plupart des entreprises locales.

What are the solutions?

The labour shortage affects us all. This issue is intensifying every year, especially given the retirement of many employees as well as new mobility habits. Businesses will have to use a range of solutions to maintain their organization and meet the needs of their market. Our experts in multiple fields will share with you the expertise they have gained through their numerous assignments and help you explore the right avenues for you.

In this article:

Workforce Shortage: How Can Technology Help?

Scores of organizations are seeing their ambitions hampered by the labour shortage. For many of them, technology could save the day. What are the benefits of a digital transformation? Here are some of them:

  • Automate tasks;
  • Encourage mobility and communication;
  • Be more attractive to talent;
  • Optimize ongoing training.

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Travailleurs | Entreprises | RCGT

Why the Post-Employment Experience Matters to Your Organization

A good employee wants to leave your company. Here’s how to keep them… or nurture their post-employment experience.

There are many reasons for leaving a job and, in this period of significant labour shortage, it is more important than ever to take care of the relationship with your employees, including those who may leave you for other opportunities.

It is necessary to keep the dialogue going, to leave the door open for a comeback and to ensure that you keep a clean reputation.

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When International Recruiting Becomes a Necessity

One solution to your company’s labour shortage is, of course, to recruit skilled workers from abroad.

Several options are available depending on the specific needs of your company.

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Prevent Productivity Losses Through Knowledge Transfer

Many workers are nearing retirement age. With many skilled workers leaving the job market, businesses will struggle with even more acute labour shortages in the years to come.

But if organizations start planning now, they can mitigate some of these losses. Besides passing on key skills and knowledge, a successful transfer strategy should contribute to employee motivation and retention.

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Tourism: Will You Need to Change Your Business Model?

The labour shortage has been particularly severe in the tourism industry, an important segment of our economy. Its growth is hampered by a lack of workers.

To keep your business viable over the next few years, you will need to consider a transformation of your business model.

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Five Tips for Increasing Recruitment and Retention

Everyone is talking about the labor shortage. How can we create the right conditions for hiring?

By following these five tips, your recruitment and retention efforts are likely to yield much more positive results.

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