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Financing Acquisitions and Preparing for Takeovers

Selling or buying a business requires careful planning. Whether you are looking for someone to buy your business or are considering an acquisition, our experts’ tips will be useful.

These questions must be answered first so that you can take all the right steps to make the transaction a success.

Comment calculer la valeur d'une entreprise

Calculating the Value of Your Business for Sale or Acquisition

The value of your business depends not only on profits, but also on its risk level. Be sure to weigh all the factors affecting it, such as location, presence of succession, dependence on certain suppliers or your reputation.

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Achat entreprise | Éléments importants

Evaluating A Business: Fundamental Considerations

In order to provide a comprehensive evaluation report, there is a lot of information to be collected and analyzed. The evaluation approach and method to be used will be determined by the type of business and the information collected.

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Finding Businesses for Sale

The process of finding companies for sale can be long and arduous. Your degree of preparation is key to the success of such a transaction. Properly planning your project and file will prove your seriousness and build confidence.

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Buying a Business: Steps for A Successful Acquisition

Do you want to grow your small business through an acquisition? Don’t skip any steps. Here are five tips to succeed in minimizing risk and maximizing your investment in a business acquisition.

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Achat Vente Relève Entreprise | Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton

Financing a Business Acquisition in a Succession Context

Finding a buyer for your business can sometimes be difficult, but this rare gem might actually be found among your company employees. When the buyer’s liquidity is insufficient for financing the purchase of a business, there are several options to compensate for or complement a financial institution’s traditional financing.

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Achat Vente Relève Entreprise | Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton

How Will Interest Rates Impact Your Business Projects?

Did you put your investment projects on hold in the first year of the pandemic? Did you postpone discussions about the sale of your business by a year? Funds are available for your corporate projects, but given rising interest rates, is it the right time to invest?

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