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Business Financing and Treasury Management

Financement | Trésorerie | Conseils et soutien | Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton

As an entrepreneur, you know the importance of cash flow management, having sufficient liquidity and optimizing your financial performance for the sustainability of your business.

Sensitive to your needs, our experts are on the lookout for all financial measures offered to your industry. Moreover, they suggest solutions to support you during this turbulent period.

We know that entrepreneurs are showing admirable courage. In spite of the ups and downs we are experiencing, you can still seize the opportunity to rethink your ways of doing things and approach this new reality with confidence. Our teams provide you with practical advice and relevant information to help you reach your goals.

How to Reduce Costs and Improve Performance

Automating administrative processes and repetitive tasks and better exploiting data can reduce operating costs over the short term and the long term and improve responsiveness, productivity and performance.

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How to Safeguard Your Business Against Inflation

Inflation is rising at a troubling rate in some industries. In order to safeguard against the impacts, you need to ensure better control over your costs to protect your company’s profit margins.

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Costing to Improve Profitability

Costing improves profitability and is therefore of paramount importance for any business, including service companies. This is particularly true in these times of uncertainty.

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How to Analyze Corporate Profitability?

In order to survive and regain momentum, you must review your corporate strategy and support your decisions with adequate data. To do this, it is essential that you analyze your profitability threshold and calculate the accounting “break-even” point.

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How to Manage Your Company’s Finances in the Face of Uncertainty

Organizations are currently facing significant challenges. Soaring inflation, rising interest rates, labour shortages and supply issues—this confluence of factors is creating an uncertain economic environment for businesses.

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Cash Budget: Ensuring Sustainability

Having sufficient cash on hand is more important than ever to ensure the sustainability of the organisation. It becomes a guide for staying on course by minimizing the negative impact on the company’s day-to-day operations.

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Financing Your Business’ Growth: How to Present Your Project

Have plans to grow your business? Ready to invest? Here’s how to maximize your chances of obtaining financing: assessing all costs, getting to grips with numbers, evaluating your garantees.

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ESSOR: A New Program Supporting Business Growth Projects

The new ESSOR program provides support to help businesses develop, implement modern technologies and advance their digital transformation journeys.

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Whether you’re looking to find a buyer for your business or thinking about making an acquisition, these tips from our experts will help. Learn more

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