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The real business #RCGT | How the accountant contributes to the success of your SME

Mélissa Gravel, an Assurance Manager at the firm, focuses on the review of financial statements and tax returns for SMEs. She also collaborates with various specialized teams as required.

Mélissa joined the firm as an intern and moved on after a few years. However, she returned home within a few weeks.

Vicky Scalia, one of Mélissa’s clients, is the co-founder and CEO of L’Intervalle. Mélissa analyzed the company’s financial data for the previous few years and was able to assess its performance. She also contributed to developing Vicky’s vision of the future and determining strategic priorities.

An essential element of choosing the right expert for your business is creating a bond of trust and building a long-term relationship. Indeed, effective guidance helps to drive business.

  • Vidéos Marque employeur - 2025 | RCGT
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