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For Overall Entrepreneurial Health

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  • Éric Dufour | Expert RCGT
    Éric Dufour

    Vice-president, partner FCPA Management consulting

The start of a new year is a good time to commit to good management practices and invest in your health as an entrepreneur. Here is how.

In times of economic uncertainty, a company’s resilience and agility can be put to the test. Business leaders must be able to make quick and effective decisions, hence the importance of taking a step back in order to assess and strengthen key areas within the organization to ensure its long-term future.

What is your talent retention strategy?

Talent is the cornerstone of any company’s success. In a competitive market, attracting—and especially retaining– top talent becomes a strategic objective. Employees who are looking for stability will turn to companies that invest actively to foster employee motivation and engagement.

Adopting transparent communication practices

Adopting transparent communication, valuing individual performance and providing professional development opportunities are all effective strategies. Introducing flexible and customized career paths is also an excellent way to encourage employee loyalty.

Identifying core skills

Companies must also identify core skills that will be needed in the future and offer tailored training. Core skills include technical abilities as well as management, communication and teamwork skills.

Valuing innovativeness

Encouraging employees to continue to build their skills, experiment and learn from their mistakes helps to create an environment where innovation is valued. Mentoring programs as well as online training could also be provided.

How can you reassess your company’s governance?

During the holiday break, it would also be important to reassess corporate governance, a process that touches upon different areas.

Do a comprehensive assessment

Assessing the company’s current situation in detail will allow you to identify challenges and specific opportunities.

Review the corporate structure

This allows you to see potential weaknesses or inefficient processes that could undermine the company’s ability to position itself effectively.

Assess available skills

This will allow you to determine if your current team is equipped to meet the challenges that have been identified.

Mobilize influential members of the organization

This step is vital. Including key people in discussions ensures a better understanding of the challenges being faced and allows for a collective approach to be adopted in order to find solutions.

Do you have a succession plan?

A company’s long-term viability depends in large part on its ability to have an effective succession plan in place.

Introduce share ownership plans

Share ownership plans are an effective way to retain talent. Offering employees shares of the business helps to foster a sense of belonging and the desire to contribute to the company’s success.

Promote the company’s vision

Developing a plan that showcases the company’s vision and values helps to ensure that the company and its employees share the same objectives. This plan also fosters commitment and an employee’s desire to remain with the company for the long term.

All this not only helps to ensure a smooth transition when there is a change in leadership, but also allows investors and stakeholders to be more confident that the company is in a stable position.

As an entrepreneur, are you taking care of your own mental health?

Employees’ mental health is important. However, entrepreneurs need to take care of their mental health as well. There are many stress factors that can weigh on the minds of business leaders. Such factors could include economic instability, the technology gap, repayment of pandemic loans, regulatory changes, supply chain management, environmental and social responsibility, and the list goes on.
Developing resilience strategies

Resilience strategies must be developed in order to assist entrepreneurs. This involves creating support networks that can help entrepreneurs manage their stress more effectively.

Finding a work/life balance

Business leaders must also be encouraged to find a good work/life balance. It is important to encourage work habits that allow people to take time for themselves and their loved ones without neglecting their professional duties.

Managing in times of uncertainty requires business leaders to be attentive to many areas of the business. Managing talent, taking care of their own mental health and ensuring proper succession planning all help to lay the groundwork for a successful and resilient company.

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