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Municipalities: Managing Risk to Prevent Corruption

Many municipalities in Quebec want to show their commitment to prevent corruption by implementing programs and risk management.

In recent years, Quebec municipalities, as well as the provincial government, have not been spared from the corruption concerns that have greatly tarnished the reputation of the municipal and provincial world.

Through scandals and media headlines, this phenomenon is also reflected in the rest of Canada and around the world.

As a result, many municipalities in Quebec want to demonstrate to taxpayers their commitment to preventing corruption and other wrongdoing by implementing programs and risk management in this regard. While some large cities can afford a full-time Inspector General, this isn’t the case for all municipalities.

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has instituted ISO 37001 to provide public and private organizations with a mechanism for demonstrating to stakeholders a level of quality assurance and integrity in proxy processes. This is why some municipalities would like to take the necessary steps for aligning with the standard or obtaining ISO 37001 certification.

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