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Labour shortage: five tips for minimizing the impact

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Everyone is talking about the labor shortage. How can we create the right conditions for hiring?

1- Look past resumes and keep an open mind

We all know there is no such thing as the perfect candidate. Skills and experience are obviously important, but it is worth looking beyond these considerations.

  • What are the candidate’s aspirations for the position and their career in general?
  • What are their areas of interest?
  • What are their core values? Are they aligned with those of your company?
  • What potential do you see in the candidate?
  • What are their short- and medium-term career goals?

By looking beyond people’s resumes, you may discover hidden talent. With enough time and training, these people could become the key players you’ve been looking for.

2- Encourage internal mobility

Keep talent within your company by encouraging workers to apply for lateral or vertical moves. Even if they don’t have all the skills required for the job, your current employees have the advantage of being familiar with the company and its values.

Finding and training external talent is costly for organizations and involves a certain adjustment period. Meanwhile, giving employees the chance to do something new can contribute to an improved sense of belonging. After all, people shouldn’t be discouraged from wanting to learn new things and expand their skill set. Not only will providing workers with in-house opportunities translate into better retention and engagement levels, it will also help employees grow at a faster pace. It is a win-win situation.

Find out more about talent development.

Find out more about knowledge transfer.

3- Assess employee wellbeing regularly

The past two years have been challenging—both personally and professionally—for all of us. Psychological distress and health problems, related to COVID-19 or otherwise, plagued a lot of people. Some are still suffering. Everyone has their own way of reacting to the situation. That is why it is important to keep an eye on employee wellness indicators.

Check in with your teams on a regular basis to make sure they are feeling well both physically and mentally. This can be as simple as making informal calls, sending monthly questionnaires, or planning a lunch or virtual tour to connect with your workers and teams.

By taking an interest in your employees, you will be able to monitor their health and bolster their engagement.

Find out more about worker health.

4- Be open and flexible

Work arrangements have become a hot topic and there is no shortage of options, including: 100% work from home, 100% work from the office, or hybrid work with or without fixed days. To choose the one that’s right for your team, consider surveying your employees and asking them what they want. Since each person and business is different, look for an option that reflects your needs and goals, as well as those of your clients and staff.

Then be flexible in how you apply your policy. Today’s workers are looking for ways to balance their personal and professional lives.

Find out more about hybrid work.

Find out more about work and life balance.

5- Be real, be yourself

Cultivating solid relationships with your personnel is essential to building employee engagement. Show them that you’re human too. Express an interest in your employees and let them know that they are important to you and to the company.

Be genuine. As a manager, you can’t do everything or know everything. That is why you need to surround yourself with good people. By being open, you will gain their respect and build trust.

Find out more about how to communicate effectively with employees.

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