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How Does Artificial Intelligence Impact our Work?

RH - Intelligence artificielle au travail | Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton

Is AI a threat or can it facilitate our work? Let’s demystify this once and for all! Then we can start taking advantage of its benefits.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been around for a long time. It’s been a part of our daily lives without us noticing. This is exactly what Audric Gagnon, AI Trainer at, wants us to know.

“Many people think of artificial intelligence as being complex and inaccessible,” states Audric Gagnon. “However, artificial intelligence is not a new concept.” For example, certain fast-food chains already use it to manage their customers’ orders.

Naturally, artificial intelligence has become more sophisticated over time, but it remains a tool for humans, not the other way around. If we learn how to use it correctly, it can really help our workforce to level up.

AI is constantly evolving and we haven’t yet assessed all of its possibilities, but we can expect it to help improve our daily lives by, for example, fostering clearer and more accurate communication suited to the context:

  • AI is already capable of analyzing the feelings behind our workplace communications in order to better understand the message;
  • In the short term, AI will be able to manage work interruptions.

It will certainly contribute to innovating every aspect of our work: our role, tasks, relationships and methods.

Making way for AI to serve people

The potential applications of AI are infinite:

  • automating processes;
  • streamlining recruitment;
  • expanding skillsets;
  • assisting decision-making;
  • opening new perspectives;
  • creating content;
  • processing communications;
  • facilitating knowledge transfer;
  • etc.

“However, a lot of testing needs to be done! We must be invested in the process and aware that testing every six or eight weeks is required to properly assess how we are using AI,” explains Audric Gagnon.

The work structure must be redesigned and we must embrace the transformation of our work methods while simultaneously considering the wellbeing of our workers. What’s important is to always keep in mind that humans are central to the use of AI. This form of intelligence will likely change the structure of our workplaces, but it will not replace individuals.

Preparing for the future

“I believe that companies should invest in comprehensive training for their workforce,” adds Audric Gagnon who is also a co-founder of Penguin, a strategic content production agency. “Every employee should receive training so they can alleviate their fears and broaden their horizons. Then a committee of ‘champions’ can be created in order to help other employees to adapt and implement best practices. Strong leadership and guidance processes must also be put in place.”

Artificial intelligence has gained ground in every aspect of our lives including our work. We must think of it as a tool rather than a threat.

Furthermore, we must be cautious and plan appropriately when integrating AI to ensure that the results are favourable.

This article was inspired by the conference led by Audric Gagnon, AI Trainer and Manager at, and which took place on May 14 and 15 as part of the 2024 edition of Campus RH organized by Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton.

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