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Employer Brand: How Attractive Is Your Business?

How can you recruit and retain qualified staff to maintain your business’s growth? You need to be prepared to face this major issue.

The shortage of qualified workers affects most industries and is a sizeable obstacle for business leaders.

According to the Canadian Federation of Independent Business, there are currently over 117,000 job vacancies to be filled in Quebec.

It is therefore imperative for managers to surround themselves with human resource experts to attract new talent, retain their employees and thus maintain their company’s growth.

First of all, as a company, you must position yourself as an appealing employer: organizations must stand out from the competition and be attractive to candidates by presenting strong values and an organizational culture that has a positive influence on the employee happiness index.

You then have to project that image into the community. The more positively you are talked about, the more attention you will get from candidates. The employer brand is therefore the first aspect on which executives must focus to attract new talent, since in a context of labour shortage, job seekers have a wide array of choices.

Recruiting: attracting the best talent

Before calling on a head hunter, you have to ask yourself whether you’re satisfied with your organization’s human resources positioning. Do you think you’re “alluring” enough to attract the best talent and pursue your ambitions?

The business environment is being disrupted by numerous changes, including new technologies, digital transformation or globalization, it is important to take advantage of these innovations and use them as a lever to improve your organization’s image.

Capitalize on opportunities to promote yourself: be active on social networks, share your successes, your activities in the field or the causes you support. Sell yourself! In this day and age, employees should be perceived as customers!

Maintain a strong connection with your current employees

With a strong employer brand, not only will you attract new resources, you’ll retain your current employees.

Here are the main aspects you should pay attention to in order to maintain your image:

  • The organization’s culture and values;
  • The work environment, it should be enjoyable and motivating;
  • Challenges and advancement opportunities;
  • The overall compensation offering (financial and non-financial benefits);
  • Working conditions (flexible schedules, teleworking possibilities, etc.);
  • Support (training, mentoring, co-development);
  • The management team’s quality and leadership;
  • Work tools;
  • The organization’s social commitment.

To be a great employer, you must also have a well-structured skills development and succession planning program. The ideal candidate for a key position may already be in your ranks.

Most employees want opportunities to progress. Target the resources that you think are the best fit for a promotion to strategic positions, and then give them all the necessary guidance to develop. Be flexible in your selection criteria and act quickly in choosing your candidates.

Your employees (past and present) are the best ambassadors to promote your employer brand. You have to take care to maintain an excellent relationship with them. An exit interview with departing employees can also help you identify areas for improvement within your organization.

Nevertheless, finding the rare gem is not an easy task. We suggest that you call on specialists such as the ones in our firm, who offer complete services in this field. We can help you position yourself as a particularly interesting employer and find candidates who will fit perfectly into your organization.

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