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Digitization at the Heart of the Client Experience, or the Other Way Around

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Now more than ever, technology can help you put your clients at the heart of your actions. So, offer them the unique experience they’re looking for.

In this digital age, some of yesterday’s practices have not been valid for some time. Nevertheless, one thing remains: there are still clients to listen to, understand, serve and that a business would like to foster unforgettable and positive interactions with that go beyond the everyday transaction.

The client experience: win-win for all

Today, business models are being transformed or created, product or service offerings are more modern and the delivery of the client experience is going digital. In this digital whirlwind, the client experience can still be defined as the result of all the interactions a client can have with a brand or business, what they perceived and especially, how they felt!

Basically, how your business can generate more perceived value for its clients who, in turn, through their loyalty or references, will generate more revenue, will help increase your profitability and enhance your brand image.

Digital opportunities

Process digitization and the use of powerful computer systems open the door to perfect opportunities for enhancing the client experience. Here are three examples.

1. Increasing knowledge of clients for a more in-depth experience

Let’s be honest here. How well do you truly know your clients? What are they looking for? Which positive emotions contribute the most to their experience? What creates value for your business?

Currently, advanced analytical methods and tools can be used to conduct more critical analyses of the structured and unstructured client data available (satisfaction surveys, record of complaints, feedback or comments on a blog, history of transactions with the business, etc.).

These analyses make it possible to see clients from a different angle and obtain an unparalleled level of understanding of their needs and expectations and the emotions they need to feel to create long-lasting relationships, knowing that the emotional impact is the most important vector of the decision to purchase.

Furthermore, sharing these new client data analyses throughout the company is a great motivator for breaking the internal organizational silos that often hamper a totally integrated, smooth client experience.

2. Personalizing the product and services offering, and complementary services

Traditionally, better knowledge and segmentation of clients resulted in a business adapting its product and services offering, thereby attaining a certain level of personalization. This rings true even more so today with in-depth knowledge of your clients, thanks to the advanced analysis of your client data.

However, more precise personalization was often hindered by the related costs. Today, with the opportunities offered through digitization, several steps of the offering development process can be automated, thereby significantly reducing costs and opening the door for investments to further personalize.

3. Reducing clients’ efforts…and increasing speed of experience delivery

Do you feel it’s easy to do business with your company? What would your clients say?

Smart digitization of the client journey can result in major opportunities for decreasing the work required of clients and increasing the speed of the experience delivery, such as:

  • A true omnichannel client experience offering a choice of channels for the clients’ interactions with the business;
  • Clients who are automatically recognized, regardless of the different channels used;
  • Personalized recommendations based on their purchase or behaviour history, which makes buying decisions easier;
  • The possibility of completing part of their client journey at their own convenience, wherever they want, how they want;
  • The possibility of completing transactions 24/7.

You win too: the same digitization methods and tools can also help you become more agile and efficient when delivering this new age experience.

Avoid creeping featurism in your client experience!

Digitization offers many excellent opportunities to those who know when to seize them, but it also sets traps for businesses that, swept away by market trends, imitate their competitors without thinking about their own business challenges and strategic objectives.

Begin your thought process… with the client! You must first know your clients well and have a clear idea of the client experience you wish to offer.

Then, redesign your clients’ journey by imagining the ideal experience from start to finish, then pull out all the stops, especially, the digitization lever, that will enable you to deliver an unforgettable and positive experience.

This will make it possible to fully benefit from business opportunities resulting from digitization that will not only project an innovative image for your clients, but also, which is even more important, generate perceived value to each of your interactions with your clients, thereby yielding actual benefits for your business.

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