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Relationships With First Nations

Working Together to Empower first nations communities

Our teams’ close, on-site relationship with the various communities and understanding of their individual situations, values and ancestral culture contribute to enriching exchanges and successful collaborations.

The long-lasting bonds of trust that we have built over the years with the Inuit, Métis and First Nations have created positive partnerships that are helping to set the stage for successful Indigenous organizations and entrepreneurs. The purpose of our support is to:

  • Promote the creation and growth of Indigenous businesses and generate positive spin-offs for the community;
  • Facilitate the planning and implementation of growth generating projects with a view to continuous improvement and sustainable development;
  • Stimulate innovation while respecting existing traditions;
  • Guide and engage key players to ensure strategic governance for community advancement.

The personalized, hands-on approach of our experienced business consultants makes it easy for you to take action. Consult our vast service offering.

Leading-edge expertise for First Nations

  • Co-management and financial performance

    We support communities in the process of improving their organizational and financial performance, including the search for funding and grants.

  • Community economic development

    Together, we define your community’s development path and implement forward-looking strategies in line with your values of social responsibility and sustainable development.

  • Succession and human resources

    Because people are at the heart of any organization, our human resources management approach promotes your employees’ and managers’ skills development and growth. As activities evolve, we take into account the importance of supporting resources in managing change and business succession.

  • Innovation and technology

    We work with you through all the stages of your transition to digital maturity. This process focuses on improving your organization’s performance and ensuring risk management (phishing, cybersecurity, data protection, etc.).

Assurance and Tax

At the forefront of governance best practices and the latest technological advancements, our Assurance professionals will verify your financial information and our Tax team will ensure the tax efficiency of your corporate structure and your regulatory compliance.