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Maxime Décarie

Maxime Décarie

Partner - CPA

Assurance and accounting


Maxime Décarie derives great satisfaction from supporting entrepreneurs who are passionate about growing their businesses. He builds relationships of trust with his clients, provides solid advice and strives to make a significant difference so they can move forward. He never shies away from tackling complex assignments. He knows that they motivate him and help him to expand his skillset.

Maxime tackles challenges head-on. He takes a global approach to every assignment so he can paint a complete picture of the issues. This also allows him to propose the best possible solutions.

Maxime is proud of the strong relationships that he has nurtured with his clients and values his family life. He is known for his teamwork and for supporting the next generation of professionals. He is actively involved in his community and serves as treasurer of the Chambre de Commerce et d’industrie de Laval.