Trained as a lawyer, Maryse Janelle helps foreign companies develop on the Canadian markets, and supports Canadian companies expanding on foreign markets. She has conducted multiple assignments on the application of sales or consumer tax in Canada or abroad.
What is most important for her is to help her clients reach their goals and feeling that she makes a difference.
“I’ve always wanted to help, find practical solutions and have constructive ideas.”
Mrs. Janelle is involved with the Federation of Chambers of Commerce of Quebec, the Canadian association of tax studies, and the Canadian Bar Association. She is often invited as an author, instructor or guest speaker by various professional associations.
International Tax Seminar
What’s new in the international tax landscape and how will it impact your company in 2024? Join us to navigate the ever-changing(…)
Production Lareault is Passing the Torch to Greenlore
Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton acted as exclusive financial advisor to Greenlore during the acquisition process. For the past 70 years, Production Lareault(…)
US Sales Tax: Possible Exemptions and Documentation
There are certain exceptions to the application or non-application of taxes on a transaction in the United States. What are these exceptions?(…)
U.S. sales taxes: how it works and where sales tax applies
Changes to U.S. sales taxes can impact your business. Furthermore, the rules differ from state to state. Quebec companies operating in the(…)
Career articles
What Do International Indirect Tax Specialists Do?
International tax is complex for organizations and requires the contribution of experts who master the various aspects. Thanks to e-commerce, it has(…)
Exporting to the U.S.: Watch Out for Corporate Commodity Taxes
Updated on August 29, 2023 Do you export goods or services to the United States? You may be required to collect commodity(…)