Éric Dufour is a professional whose priority is to apply an integrated approach in business transfers. He has over thirty-five years of experience, both in strategic consultation and certification. As a visionary, he has devised an innovative approach prioritizing the human aspects of business strategies to ensure personalized services that meet the deep trends on corporate succession and continuity.
He is responsible for nine offices in Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean and Côte-Nord. He is known for his energy, innovation and involvement in the economic development of Québec.
Éric Dufour is very involved in his community. He was a chairman of the Chamber of commerce and industry of Saguenay for several years. He currently chairs the entrepreneur committee of the Québec Federation of Chambers of commerce, and was a “dragon” at the Entrepreneur school in Beauce. He has supported numerous organizations as honorary chairman, director or partner.
Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton is Still the #1 Firm in Québec!
We are proud to stay the most important accounting firm in Québec and, above all, to be the most important Québec-owned company.(…)
In the Media Place publique - Radio-Canada
Tarifs douaniers de 25%: quelles répercussions pour la région?
In the Media Centre de transfert d'entreprise du Québec
Réforme de la fiscalité des entreprises familiales: dénouement historique
Parmi les entreprises qui changeront de main dans les prochaines années, bon nombre sont des entreprises familiales, avec 30,8 % des PME(…)
Medical Design: From Father to Son
For successfully transferring a business, it is essential to reconcile the needs and visions of each party involved. Alexandre Bergevin, President and(…)
In the Media Le Quotidien
Les entreprises doivent mieux préparer leur transfert
Dans la région, près de 1 000 entrepreneurs sont prêts à laisser les rênes de leur affaire en 2024.
Responsible Governance: The Path Towards Sustainability
Collective governance contributes to both diversity and corporate social responsibility (CSR). How can companies implement it correctly? Modern governance encompasses much more(…)
Management consultingResponsible Governance: The Path Towards Sustainability... Read more -
In the Media NousTV (Saguenay - Lac Saint-Jean)
Impact du budget fédéral 2024 en région
In the Media Planète 99,5 FM (Roberval)
Le budget fédéral analysé
In the Media Planète 104,5 FM (Alma)
Un budget à saveur électoraliste
In the Media Radio-Canada Saguenay
Le budget fédéral décortiqué
In the Media Le Quotidien
Budget : un contrôle des dépenses « inquiétant », selon Éric Dufour
Succession planning to promote employee retention
A number of issues have negatively affected the labour market in recent months, exacerbating some of the problems already occurring before the pandemic.
In the Media Le Quotidien
Budget du Québec 2024 : ce qu’il faut savoir pour la région
In the Media ICI Radio-Canada radio (Saguenay)
Le budget du Québec décortiqué
Business Succession Tour: An Opportunity to Chat With Experts
Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton is proud to join the Fédération des chambres de commerce du Québec (FCCQ) on the very first national(…)
For Overall Entrepreneurial Health
The start of a new year is a good time to commit to good management practices and invest in your health as(…)
Management consultingFor Overall Entrepreneurial Health... Read more -
In the Media ICI Gaspésie–Îles-de-la-Madeleine (Radio-Canada)
Le casse-tête de vendre son entreprise… à sa propre famille
Le transfert d’entreprise est l’un des défis les plus sous-estimés au Québec actuellement selon notre expert
In the Media Le Quotidien
Fêtes : une période cruciale pour les commerces locaux
Achat local : un effritement de la solidarité qui a des conséquences néfastes à plusieurs points de vue
In the Media Les Affaires
Opter pour un leadership de continuité
Un leadership fort permettra à une saine gouvernance d’être pérenne.
In the Media Les Affaires
Diriger vos équipes d'une main de maître
La priorité des firmes doit être l’attractivité et la rétention des talents.
In the Media ICI Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean
Aide d’urgence : des entrepreneurs devront bientôt rembourser 40 000 $
Les entreprises sous pression.
In the Media Le Devoir
Changement de garde dans les PME
Le transfert d’entreprise, c’est une histoire de passion, d’amour, de pouvoir, de conflit, de générations, de deuil.
In the Media ICI Radio-Canada Télé
Zone économie | PME : Les fermetures se multiplient
« Les entrepreneurs présentement sont fatigués » : notre expert Éric Dufour commente et analyse la situation.
In the Media ICI Radio-Canada (Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean)
Une formation pour préparer la relève entrepreneuriale du Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean
De 5 000 à 6 000 patrons dans la région prévoient de céder ou de vendre leur petite ou moyenne entreprise (PME)(…)
In the Media Le Quotidien
Campus Relève : outiller les repreneurs de demain
Les repreneurs du Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean, sont invités à prendre part à l’événement Campus Relève en septembre prochain.
How to Optimize the Value of Your Business
Updated on February 30, 2024 How can you maximize the value of your business to make it more attractive for future partners(…)
Management consultingHow to Optimize the Value of Your Business... Read more -
In the Media Les Affaires
Cinq clés d’un bon plan de transfert
Céder son entreprise avec succès exige du temps, de la préparation et, dans la majorité des cas, l’appui de professionnels de différents(…)
In the Media Les Affaires
Repreneuriat : passer le témoin sans l'échapper
L’intention est là, mais la préparation, elle, fait souvent défaut.
In the Media Le Quotidien
Pour Éric Dufour, la région du Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean sort gagnante du budget
In the Media Informe Affaires (Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean)
Budget provincial 2023-2024 : 105,5 M$ pour la ZIP
What Are Your Business’s Succession Planning Options?
Updated on September 18, 2023 Transferring a business is an important step. What are your options to ensure your company’s continuity? There(…)
Management consultingWhat Are Your Business’s Succession Planning Options?... Read more -
Québec Budget 2022-2023: Too Little to Address the Labour Shortage
Québec Budget 2022-2023: Measures for a Wide Range of Sectors, Too Little to Address the Labour Shortage True to form, a team(…)
2022 Pre-budget Consultations: Ambitious Measures Needed
2022 pre-budget consultations: Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton once again proposes ambitious measures to increase liquidity and revive the economy Montreal, February 16,(…)
Corporate Governance: The Darwinism of Management
Whether we like it or not, businesses are no longer being managed in the same way. The “theory of evolution” also applies(…)
Management consultingCorporate Governance: The Darwinism of Management... Read more -
Business Transfer: Three Steps to Retain Your Business’ Talent
Are you thinking about the future? Choosing your successor from among your employees could also be a good way to retain them.(…)
Management consultingBusiness Transfer: Three Steps to Retain Your Business’ Talent... Read more -
Business Succession: Financing is a Key Issue
Financing is a key issue in a business succession project and can make the difference between a successful transition or not. There(…)
Management consultingBusiness Succession: Financing is a Key Issue... Read more -
What are the principles of good business governance?
Sound governance is essential for your business’ sustainability and growth. What principles should guide you? Good governance is key to the success(…)
Management consultingWhat are the principles of good business governance?... Read more -
The ABCDs of Good Governance
Updated on October 10, 2024 Is your organization stagnating and lacking agility? Is innovation getting harder to achieve? It may be time(…)
Management consultingThe ABCDs of Good Governance... Read more -
How to derive the most value from workers and new leaders
Business owners are increasingly aware of how much value their employees provide to their organizations and, indirectly, to their assets. When you(…)
Management consultingHow to derive the most value from workers and new leaders... Read more -
Forestry: Increased demand and a changing customer base
While other industries are feeling the pinch of non-essential service shutdowns, forestry has experienced setbacks but is doing well so far. The(…)
Management consultingForestry: Increased demand and a changing customer base... Read more -
Entrepreneurial Succession: Wake Up Call! It’s Time to Act!
A successful business transfer must be well planned and thought out. It’s a process that should be started several years before the(…)
Entrepreneurial succession: the importance of being well prepared
Dany Boutin, who owns the Métro Plus supermarket in Dolbeau-Mistassini, ensured the family business’s continuity by transferring it to his children, Naomi(…)
Éric Dufour Invites SMEs to Rethink Their Governance
SMEs are dealing with a shortage of qualified labour and, in such a context, should involve employees in the decision-making process to(…)
Ensuring a Worry-free Estate Transfer
One significant component of wealth management is transferring your property at the time of death. The objective of will and estate planning(…)
Financing Your Business Projects
There comes a time in the life of any business when it needs financing. Some hints on how to structure your approach(…)
Management consultingFinancing Your Business Projects... Read more