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Women in leadership: Isabelle Côté’s vision

13 h 00
Register for Women in leadership: Isabelle Côté’s vision

Isabelle Côté will discuss the theme of women in leadership and share her vision and motivation behind growing her company during a discussion with Nathalie Boyer, Executive Vice-President and Chief Operating Officer with Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton.

Isabelle Côté, Chief Executive Officer of Synergy Formwork, will speak of the challenges facing the construction sector, the culture of innovation within her company and, most importantly, how she achieves her goals while remaining authentic in an industry that is quite traditional and predominantly male.

Join us and take inspiration from this exceptional leader and find out more about her business vision.

Nathalie Boyer meets with Isabelle Côté, CEO of Synergy Formwork on November 7, 2024

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