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Succession planning to promote employee retention

Watch now - Succession planning to promote employee retention

How to use succession planning as a strategy for retaining and engaging workers?

A number of issues have negatively affected the labour market in recent months, exacerbating some of the problems already occurring before the pandemic. The labour shortage has gotten worse, along with staff turnover rates, forcing business owners and managers to make difficult decisions.

In this situation, it may be a good time to offer employees shares in the business and integration opportunities. As part of your succession planning, these strategies can boost engagement from your company’s key employees. It’s important to have a well-defined and strategically thought-out succession plan.

This webinar provides an introduction to a wide range of solutions, including:

  • Governance models
  • The roles and responsibilities of the outgoing leaders and their replacements
  • Grant opportunities to help buyers secure a down payment for the transfer
  • Things to include and avoid in the transfer process
  • Next steps for evaluating your succession plan

This presentation is free and was offered in French.

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