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Tourism, Leisure and Culture

Tourism, recreation and culture are economic sectors of considerable importance with significant challenges.

Our experts can help you meet these challenges with the goal of improving performance and accelerating your projects’ implementation.

Tourism and hotels

The tourism sector is experiencing strong growth. In Quebec alone, it represents $14 billion in revenues, 30,000 businesses and approximately 400,000 direct and indirect jobs.

Its development is influenced by a number of factors and new models are to be expected. The approach in this sector needs to be reviewed in the light of emerging issues:

  • Diversified clientele with varying tastes;
  • Growing competition;
  • Constantly evolving technology;
  • Climate change.

With these new challenges in mind, our team will help you develop sustainable solutions that meet your needs. They will support you every step of the way to put in place the most appropriate development tools.

Whatever your tourism sector, our teams of specialists will leverage their expertise to meet your various needs, including:

  • Market and feasibility studies;
  • Business, sale or acquisition plans;
  • Strategic plans;
  • Development and master plans;
  • Tourism development plans for specific areas (municipalities, RCM and regions);
  • Economic studies.

Recreation and sports

Municipalities and organizations need to adapt their recreation and sports programs and infrastructure to changing demographics and emerging needs. Our team has the expertise to help you implement, among others:

  • Master plans for infrastructure and equipment, parks and green spaces;
  • Reviewing and optimizing organizational and governance models;
  • Municipal policies;
  • Regional park development plans;
  • Organizing and leading citizen consultations.

Arts and culture

More than ever, culture is an essential asset for regional social and economic development. It also serves as an attraction for cities. Our experts can help you, for example, with:

  • Concept studies;
  • Economic impact studies;
  • Strategic plans;
  • Feasibility studies and business plans;
  • Municipal policies;
  • Organizational and government models analyses and strategies;
  • Organizing and leading citizen consultations.

Recognized throughout Quebec, our professionals’ expertise is an important asset to ensure you have a structured and innovative approach.

Comprised of consultants with more than 30 years of experience and close to 3,000 assignments, our team will guide you through each step and support you in achieving your strategic and financial objectives.