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Four Myths About Internships in Accounting Firms

Emploi | Stage | Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton

There are many misconceptions about internships in accounting firms. However, testimonials from young accountants paint a different picture.

Before Mabel, Camélia, Jérémy and Louise began their internships at Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton, they also had certain preconceived ideas (long work days, repetitive tasks, an impersonal corporate culture). Now they share their experiences with us.

Exhausting work days? Not necessarily

A common stereotype related to internships and working in accounting firms is long work days. Camélia, a horseback riding enthusiast and experienced competitor explains that this is not the reality at Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton.

“Before I started working at the Firm, I feared having to give up my competitive sport, but this isn’t at all what happened. I can arrange my work schedule around my training and competitions. Not only does this allow me to pursue my passion, but I can also be fully engaged when I’m in the office.”

Jérémy, a dedicated golfer, also appreciates how flexible his work schedule is. “The flexibility offered by the Firm allows me to start work earlier on certain golf season days. Being able to relax and recharge after a day in the office enriched my internship experience.”

A good work-life balance is not only offered by the Firm. It’s also encouraged. Interns benefit from the flexibility they require to fit their studies and extracurricular activities into their daily routine without compromising their professional responsibilities.

Just another cog in the corporate wheel? Not at all

Many people believe that working in a large accounting firm means that they’ll lose their personal identity. However, the interns’ experiences at Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton paint a different picture.

“In the beginning, I thought I’d have difficulty building relationships and integrating into such a large organization, but my team is warm and welcoming,” explains Camélia. “I really felt a sense of belonging.”

“Even though there are many employees, the organization fosters close relationships within small groups and collaboration with other teams,” adds Jérémy. “I feel truly connected and a stakeholder in my projects.”

Louise, a member of one of the Firm’s largest teams, shares her experience. “Despite the size of our team, everyone is helpful and makes themself available.” “This creates a culture of support and collaboration that exceeds my expectations.”

At Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton, every intern counts. People, not numbers, are at the heart of what we do. Friendly teams and a personalized welcome allow each employee to feel integrated and valued.

Repetitive and pointless tasks? Absolutely not

Another common misconception is that interns in accounting firms often spend time on repetitive and pointless tasks like making coffee for other employees! This is not the case at Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton.

Mabel laughs as she explains that “Everyone makes their own coffee in the Firm. Even the partners. Interns are here to bring significant added value and not to deliver mail or carry out small tasks,” she explains and highlights the Firm’s commitment to involving interns in important tasks from the very beginning.

Jérémy, who collaborated on a range of projects from the outset, confirmed that “As soon as I arrived, I was involved in important tasks such as tax analysis and consultation, which exceeded my expectations regarding learning and responsibilities.”

“I was directly involved in insolvency and reorganization files, which allowed me to see the impact that my work has on real businesses. This goes far beyond theory. A practical application of skills truly helps our clients,” adds Camélia.

Raymond Chabot Grand Thornton values learning through action and ensures that each intern is quickly integrated into projects that directly affect our clients’ success. Instead of being relegated to simple administrative tasks, interns in our Firm acquire valuable and pertinent professional experience.

A lack of support? Quite the contrary

Many people presume that interns in a large firm feel they’re left to fend for themselves with little personalized support or direct mentoring. This is not the case at Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton.

Louise, who participated in a work/study program, shares her thoughts. “The support that I receive with balancing my study schedule and work is exceptional. The managers take time to ensure that I’m not overwhelmed and I’m achieving my educational objectives.”

“I felt truly supported by my mentors. They make themselves available and are really invested in my professional growth, which is vital for an intern,” adds Jérémy.

Mabel shares her experience of the integration and orientation process. “From the very outset, I received weeks of training and ongoing support. This made my transition from university to the professional sector smoother. I felt that I was supported every step of the way.”

Indeed, the Firm is committed to providing interns with personalized and attentive guidance. It ensures that each individual receives the attention and resources they need to succeed.

An exciting adventure

Considering an internship at Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton is the first step in an exciting adventure. If you’re inspired by these testimonials, why not find out more about our internships?

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